Complex problem – Easy and effective solution
benqusan solves moisture problems in walls without limiting the the important water vapor permeability properties of the walls. In fact, the existing permeability properties are enhanced and used the quickly and effectively draw moisture from the walls without crystallization of the loaded salts and transport the moisture to the surface in the form of water vapor.
This process is made possible by the special fine pore structure interconnected with finest capillaries in the render and plaster matrix. This structure multiplies the internal surface area a thousand fold, thereby evaporating collected moisture at an extremely fast rate, all the while leaving the render and plaster dry.
The probem:
Harmful mold growth, wasted energy and loss in property value. The ensuing requisite restoration of damp and salt-loaded walls presents a serious challenge.
The solution:
benqusan damp wall restoration renders and plasters.
benqusan functional render mortars build on their ability to efficiently draw moisture from damp walls and maintain the water vapor permeability of the render/plaster over the long term. This is made possible through their special pore structure and capillary properties. The large number of micro air pockets in benqusan damp wall renders and plasters are interconnected with fine capillary structure. With an air pore density of over 45%, benqusan renders and plasters have unrivaled water vapor permeability. This structure guarantees a very large internal surface area of the render matrix, which facilitates the transport of moisture in form of vapor. This perpetual moisture regulating process never comes to a halt, thereby keeping the render/plaster dry at all times. The destructive crystallization of salts is prevented and the lifetime is significantly increased.
With 40 years of experience we can guarantee a long lifetime for our renders and plasters and support our claims with first-rate references, especially in the field of historical building restoration and preservation.