Complex problem – Easy and effective solution
benqu solves moisture problems in walls without limiting the the important water vapor permeability properties of the walls. In fact, the existing permeability properties are enhanced and used the quickly and effectively draw moisture from the walls without crystallization of the loaded salts and transport the moisture to the surface in the form of water vapor.
This process is made possible by the special fine pore structure interconnected with finest capillaries in the render and plaster matrix. This structure multiplies the internal surface area a thousand fold, thereby evaporating collected moisture at an extremely fast rate, all the while leaving the render and plaster dry.
benqu damp wall renders and plasters: The large number of micro air pores interconnected with a network of fine capillaries transport moisture out of the wall works solely in the form of water vapor. That is why the harmful substances remain in the wall, where they cannot damage the render or plaster matrix, or the wall works.
Traditional plasters and renders in accordance with the WTA: Salts are stored and crystalize in the plaster or render matrix, which is thus destroyed. Hydrophobic agents in the plaster or render prevent quick and effective transport of moisture out of the wall.